Seeing a Vision

Have you ever seen a dream being built? That is precisely what we witness in the stunning cover story this month on the Vision Theatre.

Clear Skies Ahead

The email came clearly but gently one morning – asking if Alive! would consider producing a story on the Van Nuys Airport staff. We replied to him – Paul Herrera, Club Member – immediately…

On the Road to a New Era

How good it was to see everyone again at the Club’s annual meeting last month! After three years of being relegated to virtual Board meetings during the pandemic, we came back together again on Jan. 17, pledging...

The Future on the Roof

We found out. I speak of the LAPD’s first major solar array, a bold and award-winning look into the future of LA. It sits atop the LAPD Motor Transport Division’s headquarters...

The Drive for Better Safety

Three years ago, Public Works/StreetsLA recommitted to public safety in a big, big way. It created the Commercial Vehicle Training Center to teach and certify its heavy equipment drivers...

‘This Person Is a Person’

When Jessica Mertlich – neither a Club Member nor an LA resident – emailed the Club last November, one of the first thoughts I had was: Angels Flight. I’ll tell you why in a moment...

A Bright and Colorful Future

A long odyssey is finally over … and a new era for City buildings might just be dawning, thanks to the hard work and foresight of our friends at LACERS, the City retirement system...

Celebrating Retirees, Together

Associations can be known by their logos, their matching shirts, or other things. But the best ones are known by their people...

Play Is Serious Business

When Association President John Hawkins and I arrived at the amazing Octavia Lab makerspace, one of the Central Library’s newest offerings, we were set to discover everything about it...

Sustaining a Story

We at Alive! had intended to catch up with the sustainability gurus at StreetsLA’s Center for Green Innovation since it was first created last year at the end of the pandemic...