The Art of Living

Two subjects piqued my interest – one involving an extremely busy airport where some things are worth slowing down for; and the other about a woman who will not slow down even as she reaches the century mark...

Showing, Not Telling

Before I begin, I want to thank Club Members who enjoyed my first COO blog entry last month. You are welcome! It is good to give CEO John Hawkins a break after nearly 20 years of his...

Charging Into the Future

I am speaking of an electric vehicle, of course. Making the major shift to sustainable energy is on my personal agenda, but after my interview this month with the LADWP electric charging crew and its plans for building and funding more stations...

Trail Mix

Who has been a little sedentary during the pandemic? Or more than a little sedentary? Your answer to getting moving again is in these pages...

One for the Books

What started out as an inside-the-paper story, quickly became cover-worthy. The Club team follows many City social media accounts so that we can better serve you with maximum value. That social connection has proven especially important in...

Telling All of LA’s Stories

People ask me how the Alive! team decides which stories we will feature. I reply: a number of ways, but the most direct way is that you tell us about your department and the excellent things you’re doing...

About the Past, and From It

It is not common that a story we produce is about one thing, but also about that same thing in a completely different way. Such is the case with this month’s feature story about the Office of Historic Resources...

A Season of Gratitude

Are you ready for the holidays? The Club’s Retail Operations sure is! As I write this before Thanksgiving, I watch our team preparing to deliver to Club Members the Club gifts you love...

A Story in Steel and Glass

Sometimes a building is just a building. To my way of looking at it, though, in the case of the impressive new Airport Police headquarters adjacent to the north runways of LAX, it signals much more...

Ship Shape

Club Members with eagle-eye vision – or even regular-person vision! – might notice that I am not in the main photo you see in this blog...