ALIVE! AROUND THE WORLD: Rhode Island, Middle East, Desert Southwest, Cuba and Arizona
Bring your recent copy of Alive! with you when you travel and snap a high resolution photo of you holding Alive! Send in your pictures and text and we'll publish it.
IN MEMORIAM: Feb. 2019
Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away.
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What are you looking forward to most this year?
Fellow City Employees answer the Question of the Month
Called to Fire Duty
I wanted to share a story about Club Member Scott Harmon, Tree Surgeon Supervisor II in charge of the West Valley emergency team...
SMART MOVE: Start With a Healthy Lifestyle
Every time you’ve stressed over work issues, skipped out on needed exercise or simply pushed your vegetables to the side of the plate, your...
Bring your recent copy of Alive! with you when you travel and snap a high resolution photo of you holding Alive! Send in your pictures and text and we'll publish it.
Life’s Important Moments: Jan. 2019
Did you or a loved one get married? Have a baby? Get a promotion? Did someone graduate? Or accomplish something special? Is a family member in the military? Send in a photo and a paragraph, telling us the details. We love to share your good news.
Club Sports: Jan. 2019
The Club Softball League’s North Division has reached its championship game. The final was set for Dec. 19, but rainouts have pushed that to Jan. 9...