John’s Picture Perfect Contest: April 2019

by John Hawkins, Club CEO

How to enter:

Do you love to take pictures? Submit your photos to the Picture Perfect contest. Once a month, the best pics are selected for publication. If your photo is published, you’ll receive a $25 Amazon e-Gift Card!  ENTER PICTURE PERFECT CONTEST

See Contest Rules below the pictures.

“An Amish man, waiting. Ohio.”

Shaudi Pishvaie, LAPD

John’s comment: Shaudi, this is stunning in its quiet strength and sensitivity. I thought about whether or not to post this out of respect for the Amish and their aversion to technology and being photographed, but your photo is completely respectful, and it perfectly captures the simplicity and richness of the Amish faith and culture. Black and white is the right decision here. Thanks for your taste, and your submission.

“Here’s a peacock at L.A. Zoo and Botanical Gardens.”

– Victor Ladd, Retired, LAPD

John’s comment: Whoa, Victor! What an explosion of color, texture and design! I looked at the intricacy of this bird’s structure for 10 or 15 minutes, and it kept getting more incredible. But credit to the photographer, too – you framed it tight to emphasize the detail and color patterns. I’m as awestruck as the bird itself!

“Grace Episcopal Church in San Francisco.”

– Aaron Harris, Public Works/Sanitation

John’s comment: If I knew the architect and interior designers of this church, Aaron, I’d put you in touch with them – this has to be exactly what they were thinking with the bird-like elements hanging from the top, to cap off an excellent view of a clean, modern design. You’ve captured the spirit of this church well, and just in time for Easter. Thanks for submitting!

“It was a beautiful sunrise this morning, and I took a picture of this plane taking off with my iPhone from the west end of the airport.”

– John Dever, Airports 

John’s comment: John, this is the kind of awesome photo I would have hesitated at selecting before, not because it’s not fantastic, but because it might have trouble being reproduced in the paper. But now that we’re on the Alive! Website, it will come across just as you intended. I like how the photo captures the glory of the morning, with the bursting colors … but still indicates that it’s a work day. You’re making a lot of employees jealous that you get to see this in the sky every day!

“Here’s a photo of Disneyland’s Matterhorn ride with a snowy mountain in the distance. Taken from Mickey’s Ferris wheel in Disney California Adventure.”

– Jaqueline Rios, Rec and Parks

John’s comment: You’ve captured a double mountain, Jaqueline – the real thing, and a manufactured reproduction. I’m glad we had enough snow and clear sky for you to capture this. I’m going to look for it next time I’m on the Mickey’s Fun Wheel – although that might be awhile! That thing’s deceptively scary. Thanks for submitting!

“My wife, Elena, took this really cool picture while up in a tree. It appears as if the tree branch is helping the sun go down during this beautiful sunset, captured off the cliffs in San Pedro.”

John R. Sousa, Airport Police 

John’s comment: I love this juxtaposition – it looks like the creaky old limbs are trying mightily to cradle and nurture the bright but delicate sun. The dynamic between the two works really well … but wait a second, your wife was up a tree? Did you, uh, drive her there? Been there, man! Hah … anyway, a nice shot from Elena!


  • Please submit the full, original digital file (up to 3 megs file size).
  • The contest is open to all Club members in good standing. Non-members are welcome to submit, but only Club members are eligible to win the monthly prize.
  • Photos can be of any subject matter: vacation, portraits, families, landscapes, still lifes, pets, etc. Subject matter must be appropriate for Alive!
  • If your photograph does not win, you are welcome to re-submit.
  • Winners are chosen by Club staff. All decisions will be final.
  • You must certify (if asked) that you indeed took the picture. No ringers!
  • The contest is all in good fun: The Club cannot be responsible for delays in delivering Alive!, or for delays in the transmission of responses.