DWP Retirees Association hosts annual picnic.

he DWP Retirees Association held its annual picnic June 1 at Whittier Narrows Recreation Park in South El Monte...

Life’s Important Moments: Graduations – July

Did you or a loved one get married? Have a baby? Get a promotion? Did someone graduate? Or accomplish something special? Is a family member in the military? Send in a photo and a paragraph, telling us the details. We love to share your good news.

QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What’s your advice to an employee on their first day?

Fellow City Employees answer the Question of the Month...

Retirements Listing: July 2019

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

LACERS Financial Report: Beyond the Ups and Downs: LACERS Pension Holds Steady

What do financial headlines mean to us as Retirees expecting our regular pension checks? The answer is that the daily ups and downs of the financial markets do not affect the long-term stability and safety of LACERS...

Meet Your Board: A look at RLACEI Board Members – July

RLACEI Board Member Mike Wilkinson retired in 2010 as part of the ERIP program and set out with his brother Rich the next year to ride their bicycles...

LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Looking at Pension Issues in Unions, and Facing Women

In this column, we focus most of our concerns on pensions to the public sector: local pensions for cities, counties, schools and the states. Once in a while I have chosen to cover the union pension...

WWII Veteran Herbert Moore, Retired, Controller’s Office, reflects on the Battle of the Bulge, and freedom.

He deployed into the Battle of the Bulge sweeping for mines, building bridges and fixing countless roads for the advancing Allied troops. Here’s his story...

Safety Is the Tipping Point

These were just some of the stories recalled by Port Police Sgt. Glenn Twardy, Club Member, in explaining why his job exists – to check for violations in the traffic code for commercial vehicles in the incredibly important Port of Los Angeles...

A Moving Event

It was great to see County Supervisor and Club Member Janice Hahn at the recent momentous event March 14 on a parking lot near LAX to break ground on the awesome new automated people mover that will transform how you and I get to...