Annual Picnic Fun
Story and photos by Ruth Perry, RLACEI Publicity Chair, and Club Staff

The DWP Retirees Association held its annual picnic June 1 at Whittier Narrows Recreation Park in South El Monte.
The event was co-sponsored by the DWP Employees Association.
Attendees were served barbecued chicken, brisket, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans fruit salad and a green salad. A popcorn booth, an ice cream stand and a photo booth were available for Retirees to enjoy. Retirees were also entertained with a vintage car show.
Everyone had a great time, reminiscing about when they were working, and all enjoyed socializing with those they had not seen since last year’s picnic.
The Club thanks Dolores Foley, Association President, and Vince Foley, Associaiton Chairman of the Retirees’ Health Care and Benefits Committee.