QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What’s your all-time favorite movie?

Fellow City Employees answer the Question of the Month

QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What do you love most about California?

Fellow City Employees answer the Question of the Month

QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What’s your advice to an employee on their first day?

Fellow City Employees answer the Question of the Month...

QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What makes the Employees Club Coed Softball League ...

Fellow City Employees answer the Question of the Month...

Club Partner United Agencies announces raffle winner.

Fatima Ochoa, Superior Court, LA County, is the winner of last month’s raffle sponsored by Club insurance partner United Agencies. Fatima won a pair of tickets to Disneyland. During May and June, United Agencies gave...

Kid’s Coloring Contest Winners – March 2019

Congratulations to the WINNERS of our Kid's Club Coloring Contest! Our top four participants win 4 Free Tickets to Aquarium of the Pacific!

Grown-up Coloring Contest

Grown-ups, get your crayons out! It’s time for another Grown-up Coloring Contest! The prize: a $50 Amazon gift card...

Grown Up Coloring Contest Winners – April 2019

Congratulations to the WINNER of our Grown-up Coloring Contest! Our winner is Salvador Lopez, Public Works...

Kid’s Coloring Contest Kid’ Winners – June 2019

Congratulations to the WINNERS of our Kid's Club Coloring Contest! Our top four participants win 4 Free Tickets to Raging Waters!

Kid’s Coloring Contest Winners – Sept. 2019

Congratulations to the WINNERS of our Kid's Club Coloring Contest! Our top four participants win 4 Free Tickets to Raging Waters!