In Memoriam: February 2023

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away...

Life’s Important Moments: Weddings

Did you or a loved one get married? Have a baby? Get a promotion? Did someone graduate? Or accomplish something special? Is a family member in the military? Send in a photo and a paragraph, telling us the details. We love to share your good news.

Retirements Listing: February 2023

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month...

Alive! Around the World: Chile and Mexico City

Alive! goes wherever you go! Club Members bring their recent copy of Alive! with them when they travel and and we publish their picture...

Larios in the City: February 2023

Robert Larios, the Club’s President & CEO, honors Club members with the coveted Club Retirement Plaque...

Welcome to the Club’s Outreach to Retirement

Have you been thinking about signing up for the Club’s Long Term Care Plan? If you have, now is the time to apply!..

Black Bean and Poblano Flautas with guacamole, pico de gallo and sour cream

Mexican-style cuisine has long been a source of inspiration for chefs around the world. While tacos may steal all the limelight, flautas deserve more recognition!

LA Public Library’s Top Ten: February 2023

Here are the top 10 books, CDs and DVDs loaned, the Los Angeles Public Library...

People We See: Meet Mark DeLon

In this feature, the Club introduces you to people you see every day, but you might not know who they are. The Club reminds you that we all have names and stories to tell...

On the Road to a New Era

How good it was to see everyone again at the Club’s annual meeting last month! After three years of being relegated to virtual Board meetings during the pandemic, we came back together again on Jan. 17, pledging...