by Robert Larios, CEO, The Club

How good it was to see everyone again at the Club’s annual meeting last month!
After three years of being relegated to virtual Board meetings during the pandemic, we came back together again on Jan. 17, pledging our ever-strong commitment to Club Members and honoring them for their dedicated service. Standing at the front of the festive room at the California Endowment, I felt your energy and enthusiasm. I concur!
We are excited to share our plans for #ClubMobile, bringing our famous Club Mobile Team’s services right to municipal employees’ offices and worksites.

The annual meeting marked the commencement of a new era. As I said to those gathered, 2023 marks a remarkable transformation for Club operations. With #ClubMobile, Members can enjoy the full value and convenience of our services without having to make the long trek downtown.
Every person alive is capable of amazing things. Let us get started unlocking limitless possibilities with #ClubMobile.
Join us in our new era. Supervisors, please call to make an appointment for the new Club Truck (arriving soon) or the outstanding red tent team to visit your workplace. See the ad below this blog entry, or contact Lupe Lira, Retail Operations Manager, at

Water Savers
I was delighted to reconnect with Kristi-Ann Lopez, Club Member, who helps our City save water as part of LADWP’s Water Conservation Response Unit (this month’s cover story). Kristi-Ann and her dad, Vince Lopez, Club Member, led the team that won our Club Softball League championship several years ago. I remember the LADWP Warriors very fondly! (We hope to have news on the return of the Club Softball League soon.)
I am happy to report that Club Members proved very generous over the holidays. In our December issue, we featured Zaki Mustafa, Retired, LADOT, Club Member, who with his wife, Loretta Mustafa, run their Jackets for the Homeless charity. Club Members donated to the charity, and likes and shares of our cover story on LinkedIn and Facebook generated some $16,000, enough to provide jackets to thousands of those in need. Impressive!
Worth Considering
Speaking of starting things anew, here is a thought: Start each day with a sense of gratitude and joy! No matter the circumstances, take time to appreciate all that you have. Embrace every morning as an opportunity for growth, learning new things about yourself and others. This is how we create meaningful lives worth living.
¡Gracias por leer!