LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Is Cal Supreme Court Opening Doors to More Pension Reform?

Remember that the California Supreme Court has ruled on one major public pension issue lately, that concerning the use by local governments to allow employees to buy “air time” for additional work time not worked, which usually meant...

LACERS BOARD UPDATE: LACERS Reviews Health Management Averages

LACERS Benefits Administration Committee (which I chair) recently reviewed a report on our Health Management Dashboards as part of our plan to improve the health of our members and keep our health costs low...

RLACEI: The Blue Zones of Wellness

A National Geographic Explorer named Dan Buettner spent years researching places in the world where people live considerably longer, healthier lives than elsewhere. His research identified five regions and named them Blue Zones...

Asian American Employees Association hosts luncheon for LACERS Commissioner.

The Los Angeles City Employees Asian American Association (LACEAAA) hosted a luncheon Oct. 30 to celebrate the election of the newly elected LACERS Commissioner Annie Chao. The luncheon took place at the City Hall East/City Hall South Courtyard...

RLACEI: Success in 2019 Builds Toward a Great New Year

Happy New Year! It is with an enthusiastic outlook that I begin my second year as RLACEI President in the good company of my fellow directors. It is my honor to be entrusted to serve in this capacity...

Meet Your Board: A look at RLACEI Board Members – January

The RLACEI Board nominated and voted in Tom Moutes as a newly elected Board member. Tom’s term will begin Jan. 1. Tom grew up in the San Fernando Valley...

RLACEI: Board Has Vacancy, Seeks New Director

The RLACEI Board of Directors is looking for members to serve on the Board. The Board ensures that our retirement benefits are protected...

LACERS BOARD UPDATE: Actuary Reports Funding Level Increase

LACERS’ actuary, Segal Consulting, reported to the LACERS Board that the funding level has increased for both the retirement and the health plan. LACERS reports the funding...

LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Increased Taxes Might Have To Pay for Future Pensions

Marketwatch.com had a cute title in late November: “Why Millennials should care about government pensions – even if they don’t have one.” Most younger adults in the millennial...

RLACEI: Holiday Party

This year’s annual RLACEI holiday party enjoyed great friendships renewed, good food, big attendance prizes – and tons more people! The attendance more than doubled this...