Success in 2019 Builds
Toward a Great New Year
By Ruth B. Perry President,
Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc.
Happy New Year! It is with an enthusiastic outlook that I begin my second year as RLACEI President in the good company of my fellow directors. It is my honor to be entrusted to serve in this capacity. Let’s pause a moment to remember former directors Garry Mattingly and Tom Stemnock, who both passed away this year. Their contributions will not be soon forgotten. We hope to carry on in their memory by continuing to serve all RLACEI members to the best of our abilities.
Directors assuming offices on January 1 are Ruth B. Perry, President; Beverly J. Clark, First Vice President; Phil Orland, Second Vice President; Hal Danowitz, Secretary/Treasurer; along with all continuing RLACEI Directors: Cliff Cannon, Edward Harding, Dennis Harding, Michael Karsch, and newly appointed Tom Moutes. Neil Ricci will be departing our Board in the next few months and we would like to take a moment to thank him for his many years of devoted service to RLACEI. He currently stands as the longest serving member of our Board. His directorship vacancy will be opened for application. If you are interested in joining the RLACEI team, please contact Beverly Clark, Publicity Director at (800) 678-4145 ext. 716 for additional information.
All RLACEI Directors make every effort to make themselves available to our members. We ask that you join us at sponsored RLACEI and LACERS events to inform us of your thoughts, suggestions, and otherwise, regarding your pension benefits and interests. Visit our Website at RLACEI.org. Contact us at (800) 678-4145. Help us develop a forward-thinking vision and allow us to communicate your concerns to and engage our politicians and City administration in the preservation of our benefits. If you haven’t done so already, join RLACEI. With your membership and support we continue to advocate on all retirees’ behalf to protect our retirement fund.
I would like to close out by thanking everyone who attended the 2019 RLACEI golf tournament, summer picnic and holiday party. The turnouts this year were fantastic, and we hope to increase those numbers in the future. I was glad of the opportunity to personally thank those in attendance for their continued membership. We also thank John Hawkins, Robert Larios and all the staff of the Employees Club. Your support, generosity, and partnership mean the world to us. Let’s continue our mutual goal of maintaining the welfare of our members and their dependents. Here’s to a bright 2020!