Scenes From a Pandemic: Part 4

live! continues its documentation of City employees as they take a multitude of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic...

Reaching Out Thru the Web

Even a pandemic can’t stop Club staff from serving City employees! Dalila Vielma, staying Safer at Home, joined a DWP new...

StreetsLA takes advantage of lighter traffic to pave major arterials.

For anyone thinking about retiring in the next five years to the recently retired, this event is for you!

The Sequel: Calling All 50,00 Members

As a follow-up to last month’s history-making project when the Club called all Retired Members to make sure they were doing okay during the coronavirus pandemic – the Club is taking it one step...

The Club Works From Home

ALIVE! FEATURE CONTENTS Click title to continue reading this month's feature: • The Club Is Calling Every Retired Member • Share Your Story • Your Fellow City Employees Need Help • The Club Works at Home • Caring for Club...

Caring for Club Members

ALIVE! FEATURE CONTENTS Click title to continue reading this month's feature: • The Club Is Calling Every Retired Member • Share Your Story • Your Fellow City Employees Need Help • The Club Works at Home • Caring for Club...

Share Your Story

ALIVE! FEATURE CONTENTS Click title to continue reading this month's feature: • The Club Is Calling Every Retired Member • Share Your Story • Your Fellow City Employees Need Help • The Club Works at Home • Caring for Club...

The Club Calls Every Single Retiree

The Club and RLACEI complete their historic Club ‘Care Calls’ to every single Retired member individually...

Scenes From a Pandemic: PART 2

ALIVE! FEATURE CONTENTS Click title to continue reading this month's feature: • The Club Is Calling Every Retired Member • Share Your Story • Your Fellow City Employees Need Help • The Club Works at Home • Caring for Club...

Club Annual Meeting highlights success, growth into 2020.

One again taking place during the holiday season, the Club held its 91st annual meeting Dec. 18 in the Tom Bradley Room high atop City Hall...