Welcome to the Club’s New Outreach to Retirement

The Employees Club of California can assist you in making the retirement process seamless...

Request your FREE retirement plaque

As a just retired (or about to retire) Club Member, we want to recognize the hard work and dedication you gave to make our city and state a better place to live and work. To request your FREE Club Retirement Plaque, complete the online form included in this story.

Alive! Around the World: Switzerland, Italy, Lahaina Part 2

Alive! goes wherever you go! Club Members bring their recent copy of Alive! with them when they travel and and we publish their picture...

Honoring Their Service

Alive! has never published a cover story like the one this month. That is because we have never lost three people so important to Club Members in the matter of just a few months...

Rest in Peace to three who affected the Club, the City, the State and the Country.

They are lives worth celebrating, and now lives worth mourning. In the past six weeks or so, the Club family has lost three whom you might have heard of, might have worked with, might have been friends with … or might not have. But they all made a difference in the City and the Club experience.

Cynthia’s Retiring and Throwing a Party!

After 30 years of City service, Cynthia Billingslea, Customer Service Rep, LADWP, Club Member, is set to retire Oct. 1. She’s throwing a retirement party...

Spicy Sweet Chicken With Harissa Apricot Sauce

Tired of your boring, flavorless food? Add harissa! This fiery North African sauce blend will give you something to talk about at dinner parties. The sauce is made from custom apricots and spices like chili peppers, cumin seeds, coriander roots and caraway berries...

City’s plan to electrify its vehicles continues with new EVs.

Both the LADWP and Public Works/StreetsLA are welcoming new electric vehicles to their fleets. Many departments are replacing their gasoline vehicles with electric alternatives...

LAX celebrates delivery of first train car for the upcoming people mover system.

The City debuted a critical component of the future of LAX, unveiling the first Automated People Mover (APM) train car. LAX will be the first U.S. airport to feature the INNOVIA 300 APM vehicles, which showcase the latest technology to help...

Sergio Perez becomes first Inspector General in dept. history.

On April 11, LADWP hired Sergio Perez, its first Inspector General, an oversight position created by Mayor Eric Garcetti in 2019...