Alive! presents one of our most popular annual features – Club Valentines. Enjoy… and happy Valentine’s Day!

“Dear HoneyBun – As we count down to our imminent wedding day, I thank you for making me your Valentine every day. Love forever, Tay #teamjones2025”
– Terri Monk, LADWP
“My favorite Valentine!”
– Deborah Ferrer, Retired, LADWP

“I fell in love with you 60-plus years ago. Today I wanted to remind you: Remember I told you so. ‘Still in love.’”
– Sgt. Jesse J. Oliver, Airport Police
“Happy Valentine’s Day to my lovely wife, Vivien!”
– Robert Flores, LADWP
“Thank you for loving me the way you do!
Love, your wife, Elena.”
– Elena Sousa, for Officer John Sousa, Airport Police
“Thank you for all you do for us. I love you to the moon and back!”
– Amanda Alegria, Rec and Parks
“To my lovely wife, friend and mother to a nice generation of
children and grandchildren, we love and appreciate you!
Happy Valentine’s Day.”
– Craig Fogg, Retired, MTA, Los Angeles County, For Kim Fogg, Retired, LADWP
Thirty-four hard years but great as well; with Christ, all things
are possible. As long as we obey. (LOL).”
– Robert Vasquez, LADWP
“I love you, my Forever Valentines!”
– Vanessa Santillan, Finance
“Thank you, Victor T. Ladd, for an amazing first-year journey.
WE have many more adventures to explore. Love you, my love!”
– Stephanie Williams, Retired, LAPD
“Wishing my Sweetheart 1 a very Happy Pre-Valentines’ Day.
Wishing my Sweetheart 2 and very Happy Post-Valentine’s Day.”
– Rodney Bernaldo, Public Works