Alive! continues its documentation of City employees as they take a multitude of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are entries from the Club and the City Twitter
feeds about City Employees and Club Members at work during this trying time.
The phrases indicated by a # or an @ are Internet search locators that work as shortcuts to help find desired locations online. We included that text here for completeness; if you want to see those locations, simply copy and paste those phrases into your online browser.
LA Civil Rights
“We’re launching a podcast! Forward Together, narrated by @lisaling, explores the legacy of the ’92 LA Civil Unrest with artists, activists, faith leaders and more. Produced by @lacivilrights, @LACityHRC & @USCAnnenberg. First episode airs on 4/29!”
— April 14
Library/Street Team
“Today we join @YMCALA for Healthy Kids Day – A Day of Play for LA. Come enjoy a variety of activities and resources to help kids and teens stay healthy and resilient. Hoy celebramos el El día de los niños saludables – un día de juego en LA. Te esperamos en el Coliseo 10a-1p”
— May 1
Public Works/StreetsLA
“Thank you @LACityDWP President Aura Garcia helping us plant trees today on 20th St. in #cd9 & also celebrating National Public Works Week. Our crew planted 21 trees on this Cool Streets Neighborhood project (note the coating was previously applied) #NPNW”
— May 19
LAPD/Dept. Operations Center
“Extremely proud of the men and women assigned to the LAPD Department Operations Center (DOC) during the Summit of the Americas. Thank you Chief Moore for your visit and for thanking our sworn and professional staff for their dedication and hard work.”
— June 9
Public Works/Streets LA
“This morning our Director Keith Mozee joined Councilmember Harris-Dawson, LADOT Official and neighborhood residents for a springtime celebration of thanks and to learn about the monumental effort to improve street safety and bring investment to Western Ave #cd8.”
— June 5