Alive! continues its documentation of City employees as they take a multitude of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are entries from the Club and the City Twitter
feeds about City Employees and Club Members at work during this trying time.
The phrases indicated by a # or an @ are Internet search locators that work as shortcuts to help find desired locations online. We included that text here for completeness; if you want to see those locations, simply copy and paste those phrases into your online browser.
Public Works/StreetsLA
“We are excited about fielding a Zero Emissions tree-planting crew later this year. Today our UFD crew 032 tested out @ROUSHcleantech F650 stake bed truck delivering 18 trees being planted in @CD12LA. Not only are the trees helping our planet, so too will our trucks. @LACityDPW”
— Jan. 19
City Council/Mike Bonin
“Over the weekend, the CD11 team partnered with West L.A. Boy Scouts Troop 1 for a beach clean up at Will Rogers State Beach. Thank you to Rowan who organized his fellow scouts and the many volunteers who helped throughout this beach cleanup!”
— Jan. 31
LAPD/Capt. Lillian Carranza
“Thank you Commissioner @SteveSoboroff for visiting us at the @LAPDHQ #SuperBowl Command Post. All is a Code 4! #IMT1 #LAPD”
— Feb. 12
Public Works/StreetsLA
“Today our Urban Forest crews 076 & 081 are trimming trees on Degnan Blvd from MLK Jr Blvd to Stocker St in #cd10 @mridleythomas StreetsLA- showing our @LACity trees a little love on Valentines Day. @LACityDPW”
— Feb. 14
“Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez spent time with each and every team member at the @LAPDHQ #SuperBowl Command Post. Her thanks & appreciation for our team’s work was warmly received by all! Thank you for stopping by to check out IMT3 in action Ma’am! @MRodCD7 #GoRams”
— Feb. 13