Many City departments host holiday toy drives, as does the Club. Here are details on a few of them. Please be generous!
LAFD Spark of Love
The LAFD – and many other local fire departments – are collecting for their annual Spark of Love Toy Drive. Drop off unwrapped toys or sports equipment to any LAFD Fire Station, and they’ll take it from there.
LAPD Northeast
LAPD’s Northeast Station hopes to give away 1,000 toys to area children living in poverty or other challenging situations. Bring a new, unwrapped toy for 3-to-12-year-old children to the station, 3353 N San Fernando Rd.
West Valley Sanitation
Public Works’ West Valley Sanitation Yard is once again hosting its annual Holiday Toy Drive. Drop off your unwrapped toys at the yard, 8840 Vanalden Ave., Northridge, by Wednesday, Dec. 11, as West Valley donates the toys to the Guadalupe Center the next day.
The Los Angeles City Employees Chicano Association (LACECA) has scheduled its annual toy drive for Dec. 5 at Plaza de la Raza, Lincoln Park.
For more information on these or other events, visit:
The Club
The Club is collecting toys as part of its annual toy drive. This December, we’re collecting through the Club on Wheels – the mobile team visits at City yards. Bring an unwrapped toy when the Club visits your yard, and we’ll donate to a City toy drive for you.