VNY Director Flora Margheritis reflects on her 32-year LA aviation career.

Flora Margheritis, Director of Airport Operations at Van Nuys, retires after piloting the general aviation facility into clear skies ahead...

Art at LAX presents its latest installation at LAX.

LAX has installed its latest work, a continuation of Your Body Is a Space That Sees, in Terminal 2, level 3, through 2024...

Joint LAXPD/LAPD task force honored for success.

On Oct. 25, members of the Regional Illegal Firearms Trafficking Team, consisting of Airport Police and the LAPD – were honored with a Centurion Award from the Peace Officers Association of Los Angeles County...

LAX celebrates delivery of first train car for the upcoming people mover system.

The City debuted a critical component of the future of LAX, unveiling the first Automated People Mover (APM) train car. LAX will be the first U.S. airport to feature the INNOVIA 300 APM vehicles, which showcase the latest technology to help...

Depts. continue airport art project with installation at Terminal 2/3

“A Universal Shudder,” a series of murals by Eve Fowler on view now at LAX, takes inspiration from the writings of seminal Modernist author Gertrude Stein and...

Law Is New Digital Chief

On May 9, Ian Law was appointed Chief Digital Transformation Officer for Airports. Chief Executive Officer Justin Erbacci made the appointment...

Two Executives Appointed

In March, Airports made two new executive appointments. Louis Gutierrez is the new Chief Human Capital and Equity Officer, and Martin Elam is the new Deputy Executive Director, Public Safety and Security...

LAWA, DCA turn LAX into an impressive art gallery for travelers.

The impressive LAX Art Program, the product of two City departments working together – LA World Airports and Cultural Affairs – and a local gallery, has turned LAX into a strong presenter of vibrant west coast contemporary art.

Airport Police opens its $220 million headquarters.

Since its inception in 1946, the LA Airport Police has been housed in dozens of buildings, spaces and work areas. It has never been consolidated into one home since expanding to a modern police force of more than 1,100 Officers and civilians in the last few decades. Until now...

LAX’s new parking garage is the first in historic transformation.

On Oct. 19, Airports opened its massive new LAX Economy Parking Lot, a 4,300-space structure that is the first facility to open as part of the airport’s historic $5.5 billion landside modernization program...