Life’s Important Moments: In Memoriam March 2022

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away...

Alive! Around the World: England Part 4

Alive! goes wherever you go! Club Members bring their recent copy of Alive! with them when they travel and and we publish their picture...

Lifes Moments: Retirements Listing March 2022

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month...

Kid’s Coloring Contest Winners: March 2022

Congratulations to the WINNERS of our Kid's Club Coloring Contest! Our top four participants win 4 Free Tickets to Raging Waters!

LA Public Library’s Top Ten: March 2022

Here are the top 10 books, CDs and DVDs loaned, the Los Angeles Public Library...

Review: Las Vegas Golf Club Course

I recently had the pleasure of joining my friend of decades, Steve King (Retired from the LADOT), for a round of golf at the Las Vegas Golf Club course minutes away from the strip...

LAWA, DCA turn LAX into an impressive art gallery for travelers.

The impressive LAX Art Program, the product of two City departments working together – LA World Airports and Cultural Affairs – and a local gallery, has turned LAX into a strong presenter of vibrant west coast contemporary art.

Club Valentines Messages

Alive! presents one of our most popular annual features – Club Valentines. Enjoy… and happy Valentine’s Day!

LACERS Investment Report Shows Strong Performance

LACERS recently received a quarterly investment performance report from its consultant NEPC, showing strong performance across all time periods...

Carrie Adelia Gabriel is a Retiree on the move (Pt. 2)

Meet Carrie Adelia Gabriel (Part 2), an amazing Retiree on the move and an L.A. historical figure! She’s celebrating 100 years!...