Club CEO Robert Larios delivers extra copies of Alive! highlighting the Vision Theatre

Club CEO Robert Larios stopped by the under-renovation Vision Theatre in Leimert Park Oct. 17 to thank Yvonne Farrow, Arts Manager II, Cultural Affairs, Club Member, and her...

Get Happy Now

Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. However, it can also be a time of anxiety and stress. For some people...

Det. III Dennis Moeller retires after more than 35 years of City service.

A retirement gathering was held Oct. 31 for Det. III Dennis Moeller, who retires from the LAPD after more than 35 years of City service...

Send in your Valentines Day Messages

Send your loved one a special Valentine… in the February Alive!

LACERS Works to Provide Great Healthcare Benefits

The provision of Retiree healthcare benefits can look quite simple to us retirees. We receive our Open Enrollment materials, determine what our subsidies cover, and make our selections...

Ready for the Spotlight

A star is born! By that I mean the incredible Club Truck! This beautiful new Club innovation in steel and solar has been more than a year in the making...

Long-Term Investing Is LACERS’ Best Strategy

One of the most important tasks the LACERS board performs is to review its asset allocation to the various investments that provide most of the funding for the pension plan. The plan is supported by...

Council honors FS 11 for being busiest in US.

On Nov. 14, Councilwoman Eunisses Hernandez honored the team at Fire Station 11, which was named as the busiest ladder company in the nation for 2022 by FireHouse Magazine...

RLACEI at LACERS Open Enrollment

In November, LACERS held three in-person open enrollment meetings in Alhambra, Ontario and Van Nuys. The meetings were open to all LACERS members and featured...

Club is bib, team sponsor for third First Responders Relay.

On Oct. 14, the Club was there to watch two of its sponsored teams cross the finish line at the third annual First Responders Relay, held at Lake Las Vegas...