Club Video Premieres Dec. 18

Grab a snack as the Club premieres its end-of-the-year recap video on YouTube.

Be Club, the Club’s fun but informative recap of 2020 – a year like no other – will have its worldwide debut at noon Friday, Dec. 18 and be available for streaming thereafter. Viewing will be open to everyone.

“The Club has never had a year like 2020,” says Club COO Robert Larios, who produced the video. “We wanted to show all the ways the Club was strong for its Members during the pandemic. But we also show how municipal employees gave us hope during this very difficult year. You gave us hope, and the Club gave you hope in return. That’s what this is all about.”

Be Club was produced during October and November, and safety protocols were practiced. The Club thanks Rose Watson and Robert Baker at Rec and Parks for their assistance in the use of Orcutt Ranch for the outdoor filming.

“This video is for all our Members – in the City of LA, the County of LA, the LAUSD, the State of California, and other jurisdictions. We thank you and we honor you. See you on the 18th!”