ALIVE! FEATURE CONTENTSClick title to continue reading this month’s feature: • StreetsLA Paves Major Arterials• Help Your Fellow City Employees• Scenes From a Pandemic: PART 3• Calling All 50,00 Members |
Alive! continues its documentation of City employees as they take a multitude of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and keep LA safe. (The first part was in our April 2020 issue.) Here are entries from the Club and the City Twitter
feeds about City Employees and Club Members at work during this trying time.
The phrases indicated by a # or an @ are Internet search locators that work as shortcuts to help find desired locations online. We included that text here for completeness; if you want to see those locations, simply retype those phrases into your online browser.
Rec and Parks
“Thank you to our Park Rangers with @LACityParks who have been assisting with #COVID19 testing operations! Looking to be tested? The City of LA is providing FREE testing to ALL LA County residents – Sign up at Coronavirus.LACity.org/Testing! (Testing is by appointment only) #ParkProudLA”
— May 5
Public Works/Sanitation and Environment
“#ICYMI, LASAN’s Environmental Monitoring Division (EMD) has been producing
#handsanitizer & #sanitizingspray in the labs at the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant
since March. As soon as supplies are replenished, they’ll make more for LASAN workers & other frontline operators.”
— May 4
“Here are some of our @LAPDSoutheast Officers supporting the small business in the area. Once this is all over, let’s remember to thank business owners who stayed open for all of us. #StayHome #WeAreLA @LAPDReginaScott @LabradaAl”
— LAPD South Bureau, April 7
Empower LA
“We are proud to be using our emergency funds to help support residents of the new @PanPacificPark emergency shelter! A big thank you to the city staff running the facility.”
— April 1
“One of the ways we’re helping LA’s essential businesses during this time is by installing temporary food pickup zone signs that designate a spot for customers to access a business. For more information on how to get a sign installed for free, please visit ow.ly/ubNz50zeffp”
— April 15
Public Works/Street Services
“With @MayorOfLA orders, many of our StreetsLA investigators have been reassigned to make sure businesses are complying with Covid-19 directives. Thanks to azaylittletokyo.com for letting us photograph your restaurant. @GMsTREEtsLA1H2O @LACityDPW”
— April 8
“BIG thanks go to #frontlineworkers + other awesome City staff including Asst Planner Dang Nguyen for stepping up through @LACity Disaster Service Worker Program to transform @LACityParks centers into temporary shelter facilities for our unhoused neighbors! #slowthespread #COVID19”
— April 6
Public Works/Sanitation
“The Northridge Recreation Center was
converted to a shelter last week by our friends at @LACityParks. Showers in the center weren’t possible, so our CARE team was there to help with a mobile hygiene unit.”
— March 30