Three join the Port Police.

Welcome, New Officers

On Jan. 10, the Port Police welcomed three new Officers who had just graduated from the LAPD Academy.

The new Port Police Officers are Murad El Massry, Alex Van Thiel and Oscar Viramontes.

Congratulations, new Officers! Thank you for your dedication to keeping us safe.

New Officer Alex Van Thiel (center) with Chief of Public Safety and Emergency Management Thomas Gazsi (left) and LAPD Chief Jim McDonnell, Club Member.
New Officer Murad El Massry (center) with Chief of Public Safety and Emergency Management Thomas Gazsi (left) and LAPD Chief Jim McDonnell, Club Member.
New Officer Alex Van Thiel (center) with Chief of Public Safety and Emergency Management Thomas Gazsi (left) and LAPD Chief Jim McDonnell, Club Member.