Steve Chen retires from Public Works after 32 years of City service.
Information and photo courtesy Councilman Mitch O’Farrell

Steve Chen, Principal Engineer, Public Works/Engineering, retired in late September after 32 years of City service.
“Even if you’ve never met Steve, you have definitely encountered his work across the 13th District, where he led many capital improvement projects that have greatly improved the quality of life of its residents and made Los Angeles a more livable City,” Councilman Mitch O’Farrell wrote.
“These include: the complete reconstruction of Descanco Drive in Silver Lake; the closure of outdated tunnels in East Hollywood, Silver Lake and Glassell Park; and the repair of sidewalks surrounding the Bellevue Recreation Center.
“Steve, we celebrate and thank you for your tireless work to make a difference in the lives of Angelenos. Though we’re sad to see you go, we wish you a happy retirement. You’ve earned it.”
The Club congratulates Steve Chen on a great City career.