Alive! continues its documentation of City employees as they take a multitude of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and keep LA safe. (The first part was in our April 2020 issue.) Here are entries from the Club and the City Twitter
feeds about City Employees and Club Members at work during this trying time.
The phrases indicated by a # or an @ are Internet search locators that work as shortcuts to help find desired locations online. We included that text here for completeness; if you want to see those locations, simply retype those phrases into your online browser.
Public Works/Street Services
“Our slurry crew completed work today in #cd8 on Figueroa St from 110 to 115. StreetsLA making our streets safe and mobile for all. @mhdcd8
— Aug. 21
“#LAFD firefighters in Battalion 12 stood for inspection today. #Firefighters take pride in the cleanliness and maintenance of our stations and equipment, which (as you can see) is periodically verified by an LAFD #BattalionChief. : LAFD.”
— Oct. 8
Public Works/Urban Forestry
“@lacitydpw Two new webinar series featuring @CityPlants @LACitySAN @BSSLosAngeles @LARecandParks highlight action and learning in LA’s urban forest! #LAGreenNewDeal #LACityForestOfficer”
— Sept. 22
Office of the Mayor
“Mayor Garcetti visits a mobile test site to speak on the importance of flu shots.”
— June 22