Thanks, Employees!
Story and photos courtesy LASAN
On Sept. 26, Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant employees enjoyed a festive lunch celebration in appreciation of their hard work and dedication following a years-long Plant recovery. Participants enjoyed carnival-style food, games and donated prizes. Barbara Romero, Director and General Manager, Sanitation and Environment, was joined by Randall Winston, Deputy Mayor of Infrastructure; Ryan Jackson, Director of Public Works, Mayor Bass’ Office; and Councilmember Traci Park (CD 11) at the recognition celebration. Former Board of Public Works Commissioners Teresa Villegas and Susana Reyes were also on hand to recognize the employees for their extraordinary efforts. Simboa Wright, Vice President of SEIU Local 721, attended to share in the heartfelt sentiments.
“I want to express gratitude for your hard work and dedication to the City of LA,” Councilmember Park said. Barbara Romero shared that the appreciation event had been years in the making and long overdue. “Thank you for your commitment to this plant day in and day out. Your hard work is the reason that Hyperion is poised to become the recycled water beacon that the world will model.
“Lastly and certainly not least, I sincerely thank the Administration, Clean Water, Hyperion, and Solid Resource Support Divisions and the External Affairs and Engagement Team for their assistance in making the event a success. It was truly a LASAN team effort.”
At the event, several employees with 20-plus years of service were awarded service pins. They were:
- Hi-Sang Kim, Acting Hyperion Plant Manager, 39 years of City service;
- James Simon, Wastewater Treatment Electrician I, Hyperion Maintenance, 34 years;
- Manik Mohandas, Environmental Engineer, Water Recycling Implementation, 23 years;
- Sheri Symons, Sr. Environmental Engineer, Hyperion Operations, 35 years; Robert Haskins, Management Analyst, Admin., 28 years; and Dipak P. Patel, Hyperion Operations, 35 years.

During the lunch, Romero noted that interviews for a Hyperion Plant Manager were under way. “With the new appointment, Hyperion is preparing for new leadership that will continue the important work of maintaining and strengthening stakeholder partnerships and continuing the important work of commitment to clean water resources throughout the City of Los Angeles, and managing the necessary initiatives and infrastructure to come,” she commented.

The Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant is the largest wastewater treatment facility in the City. Operated by Public Works/Sanitation, it is designed to hold a capacity of 450 million gallons of water per day, and it recycles 27 percent of treated wastewater. This functioning capacity also makes it one of the largest wastewater treatment facilities in the world. The new Hyperion Plant Manager will be responsible for the commitment of clean water resources throughout the City of Los Angeles, and necessary initiatives and infrastructure to come.
Congratulations to those receiving service pins for their dedicated careers, and thanks to all at Hyperion for your hard work.