by Robert Larios, CEO, The Club

A long odyssey is finally over … and a new era for City buildings might just be dawning, thanks to the hard work and foresight of our friends at LACERS, the City retirement system.
The new LACERS headquarters building, years in the finding and making, impressed us on our recent visit with its innovation, wellness focus and flexibility while still being aware of municipal budgets. Customer service for Retired City employees, and productivity and comfort for a new era in staffing, were the focus. I say they succeeded.
Most impressive of all is how staff members were given real input and responsibility into designing their new home. Long-time friend and General Manager Neil Guglielmo assembled a headquarters team that included Isaias “EZ” Cantu, Horacio Arroyo, Kristen Szanto, Tiffany Obembe, Todd Bouey and Rod June. Well done, all!

I save a special shoutout for Heather Ramirez, Club Member, who patiently kept us apprised of LACERS’ journey to the new facility and then helped coordinate our visit.
Congratulations, LACERS, on a job well done, now and for future City employees and Retirees.
Goodbye to Debbie: Among the City Retirees this month is Deborah Winger, who gave decades of service to the City, and who contributed many years to the Club, too. Debbie, who just retired from Power Transmission at the LADWP, served the Club over many years as a department rep, a movie reviewer, and most recently as a Club Ambassador. Thank you, Debbie, for all you have done. You have made a difference, and we send you deepest wishes for a wonderful and fulfilling retirement.
Back to Baker to Vegas: No sign that things have returned to normal is any clearer than Alive!’s annual coverage on Baker to Vegas, am I right? We cover it like no other source that I know of, and check out the big story produced as always by our very own Arlene Herrero, Club Vice President of Business Development, and Dylan Herrero. The pages are bursting with excellent photos; be sure you head over to the Alive! website for all of them. Dig in and enjoy!
Worth Considering: Kindness and gratitude go hand in hand. I suggest you take a moment to appreciate the people who have touched your life with their love and care. A simple “thank you” can make someone’s day brighter.
Finally, after our very wet winter and cool spring, I say welcome to summer! May it bring you closer to your family and your purpose.
¡Gracias por leer!