by Robert Larios, CEO, The Club
The email came clearly but gently one morning – asking if Alive! would consider producing a story on the Van Nuys Airport staff.
We replied to him – Paul Herrera, Club Member – immediately. Of course we would. You are holding in your hand the product of that inquiry.
Van Nuys Airport has been flying under our radar for some time now. The editorial team speculated about our last Alive! visit to the San Fernando Valley mainstay, and concluded it might have been the better part of a decade since we stopped for a story there. Of course our Club Counselors visit regularly, delivering Club benefits and insurance consultations.
We were delighted to develop a story on Flora Margheritis, the retiring Director of Airport Operations, to honor her for her excellent and pioneering service and bid her farewell. Flora has managed many projects – and a pandemic – at Van Nuys, bringing the critically important general aviation facility up to state-of-the-art standards for decades to come. She hands the navigation now to Paul to continue taking the airport into a great future.
Paul told us the idea for writing to us originally was his colleague’s, Christian Moreno, another longtime Club Member. Christian, your instincts were right on the money.
That reminds me to ask you, our Club Members, to reach out to us with your story ideas. We like to think we are on top of everything at the City, but sending in your ideas really helps keep Alive! at the forefront of knowing what City employees are accomplishing. Help us honor you!
On the Move: Club staff has been working hard to finalize the details, and now we are very excited to share the big Club news called #ClubMobile – a plan to serve you better in a major way. We’re hitting the road and coming directly to your worksites with two separate teams, delivering most every service we perform. We are closing the store and expanding our services to make our Club services the ultimate in Member convenience. It comes from our total commitment to serve you. Supervisors: Remember to book your #ClubMobile visit! See the story in this month’s paper and Website entry.
A Toast: I wish Club Members a very Happy New Year. I honor you, I thank you for your service, and I pledge to express my gratitude for you. I wish you prosperity, fun and purpose in the year to come.