by Robert Larios, CEO, The Club

Are you ready for the holidays?
The Club’s Retail Operations sure is! As I write this before Thanksgiving, I watch our team preparing to deliver to Club Members the Club gifts you love. It is a major operation, and the Retail team is passionate about it.
Like most of society, Club Members have altered the way you interact with our Retail Operations. You are buying more of our incredible apparel and gifts than ever before, and you use the Store online to do so. We continually adjust our operations to serve you in the ways you want to connect with the Store, and to make your buying journey the best and most efficient it can be. You have rewarded us with ever-more robust sales, and we know we are serving you well when we see that happen.
Additionally, we expanded our Mobile Team schedule for this December to increase your opportunities to interact with the Store team and merchandise. We thank Guadalupe Lira, Club Store Manager, for managing all the adjustments for your holiday shopping. Have a long, enjoyable look at the Club Store online and the circular inserted into this month’s print version; stop by a nearby Mobile Team visit; and take advantage of all the ways we strive to serve your needs.
Some Personal News: As many of you know or have noticed, in October the Club’s Insurance Board bestowed on me a new title: Chief Executive Officer of the Employees Club of California. (You can read the story on page 5, or online.) I am overwhelmed with gratitude for such confidence in my abilities. My list of those to thank grows into the hundreds, as those who follow me on LinkedIn and Facebook can attest. But mostly I want to thank very much the Club boards of City employees, and of course to Club genius John Hawkins, who remains CEO of the overall association. I would not be anywhere without them. In this space I plan to write more about my thoughts on growing the Club in the future, but please know that everything I do, and have ever done, at the Club is to serve Members in the best way I know how. It is that simple, and that is the pledge I make to you here and now.
That leaves me with just enough space to wish each of you peace, joy, kindness and togetherness for Christmas and the 2021 holiday season. We have been through much. Merry Christmas!