A Night Out to Build Community
On Aug. 2, several divisions of the LAPD took part in National Night Out, a nationwide event that brings community and law enforcement together for building the neighborhood, sharing crime prevention tips, and having some family fun.
Many LAPD areas and divisions took part. Here are some images from the evening.
LAPD 911 Communications
“Great turnout for National Night Out at VCDC. Thank you to Topanga Division, Recruitment and Employment Division, and Councilman John Lee for the amazing teamwork. We had 35 people take the LAPD entrance exam, and 30 people signed up for information for police dispatcher.”
“Some pics from our this year’s National Night Out. Thank you to everyone that was able to come out and enjoy some fun activities with the family. Until next year!”
“This past week LAPD had their yearly National Night Out. It was great seeing all the community members.”
“I was proud to support this year’s National Night Out in my district. Last night, we participated in events at San Fernando Gardens in partnership with the San Fernando Gardens Resident Advisory Council and HACLA, and at our annual Brand Park event in partnership with Mission Division. This was a great opportunity to meet the men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department who work in our communities.”
“National Night Out 2022! Great turnout. Great time! Thanks to all who came out to join us tonight.”
“LAPD Olympic joined the National Night Out fun too with a big community block party. Left to right: Neighborhood Prosecutor Daniel, Officer Hout of the Community Outreach and Development division and the always awesome LAPD Cadets.”