Innovative COVID programs benefiting low-income motorists win national award.
Transportation’s Parking Management Team won a national award for innovation for two different programs that assist low-income motorists during COVID.
Community Assistance Parking Program (CAPP), managed by the department’s Parking Management Team, won a national award for innovation in late September.
The Community Assistance Parking Program, which defers parking fines during COVID for low-income and homeless people or exchanges the fines for community service, is one of the programs that led Transportation to winning the Innovative Organization of the Year award from the National Parking Association.
The honor was bestowed in late September.
“Together with our partner, Conduent, we are pleased to implement socially-oriented parking policies geared toward alleviating the financial strain for disadvantaged residents,” Ken Husting, Principal Transportation Engineer, Bureau of Parking Management, Transportation, told the Traffic Technology Today Website. “The onset of the pandemic further highlights the importance of these programs.
Congratulations to the Parking Management Team at Transportation!