For the Fallen

On June 2, the LADWP held its annual memorial service to pay tribute to those in the department who died in the line of duty.
The ceremony, held at the John Ferraro headquarters downtown, included a presentation for Club Member Michael Lemestre, Cable Splicer, 16 years of City service, who died last year. Michael’s was the last name added to the list of more than 220 names read aloud by several employees, including General Manager and Chief Engineer Martin Adams.
Also in attendance were Mayor Eric Garcetti and Cynthia McClain-Hill, Board of Water and Power Commissioners.
The names of those who died in the line of duty reach back some 114 years. Twenty-four of the deaths occurred during the St. Francis Dam collapse in 1928. Most of the deaths took place in the first 30 years of the department’s history.
Michael Lemestre, Cable Splicer, Club Member, 16 years of City service, died of injuries sustained during an incident while at work Nov. 4, the LADWP announced. The incident occurred in Wilmington. His widow, Michelle, was in attendance at the event June 2 and read a poem which ended, “Wrap me in your wings so there will be no loss to bear.”
The event also included music by the LADWP Choraliers and the placing of wreaths on the memorial at the headquarters building