Noelle’s Picture Perfect Contest Winners: February 2025

by Noelle Kauffman, Club Director of Sales

Noelle Kauffman

How to enter:

Do you love to take pictures? Submit your photos to the Picture Perfect contest. Once a month, the best pics are selected for publication. If your photo is published, you’ll receive a $50 Amazon E-Gift Card!. ENTER PICTURE PERFECT CONTES


Theme: Storytelling

“The gang reunites every seven years.”

Dominique Daito, LAPD

Noelle’s comment: And so do you, Dominique, in being there to chronicle them. This tells a story that’s universal to all humans: Time is so precious! Thanks for submitting.

“This story needs to be shared: Because even if it’s hard to believe – yes, there is definitely life after retirement. Especially on those lazy spring and summer days in Tuscany, Italy. The End.”

Det. Yves Didier, Retired, Airport Police

Noelle’s comment: Ahhhhhh, that’s the story of this photo. Congratulations on your retirement, Yves. Looks like it’s starting off well!

“Korean War Memorial in Washington, DC.”

Dennis Eigel, Retired, LADWP

Noelle’s comment: The art (the statues) were already provided, but the angle and time of day/lighting make all the difference, Dennis, and tell a story of service, dedication and unity. Thank you for submitting this unique perspective.



Noelle’s comment: The vivid colors, the swoosh of movement and the blur of the wind combine for a breezy, casual and irresistible image. Thanks, CT!

“Sunset at Dana Point Beach on Dec. 30, 2024. Saying farewell to 2024 and feeling the stillness of the moment.”

Myrna Tecson, Retired, Airports

Noelle’s comment: The enlarged sun as its colors fade for another year, nonetheless holds a promise as it looks over us: Tomorrow will be here too soon, so enjoy this moment, every moment. Thanks. Myrna!

Picture Perfect Contest Rules

  • Please submit the full, original digital file (up to 3 megs file size).
  • The contest is open to all Club members in good standing. Non-members are welcome to submit, but only Club members are eligible to win the monthly prize.
  • Photos can be of any subject matter: vacation, portraits, families, landscapes, still lifes, pets, etc. Subject matter must be appropriate for Alive!
  • If your photograph does not win, you are welcome to re-submit.
  • Winners are chosen by Club staff. All decisions will be final.
  • You must certify (if asked) that you indeed took the picture. No ringers!
  • The contest is all in good fun: The Club cannot be responsible for delays in delivering Alive!, or for delays in the transmission of responses.