by John Hawkins, Association CEO
How to enter:
Do you love to take pictures? Submit your photos to the Picture Perfect contest. Once a month, the best pics are selected for publication. If your photo is published, you’ll receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card!. ENTER PICTURE PERFECT CONTEST
Theme: Autumn
“They say we don’t have seasons here in Southern California, but they are obviously wrong. Just ask those ducks at Lake Balboa who are soaking up the last rays of sunshine during ‘Golden Hour’ on a recent early fall afternoon.”
– Yves Didier, Airport Police
John’s comment: Do you think the ducks (foreground) notice the ducks (background) and wonder if they’re related, or maybe check their Ancestry DNA for a connection, or … okay Yves, just kidding around. I can do that on the kind of fall afternoon in your photo. Thanks for submitting!
“The bird would not stop, so it makes the picture very difficult to take. I am so happy that I did it.”
– Virginia Lit
John’s comment: We are too, Virginia! Late summer and fall are peanut season, which I just learned by looking it up online. Clearly your bird knows that too, and judging by his eagerness, he’s been waiting earlier in the year for this moment! Anyway, well done on holding still on a very active creature. Thanks!
“Fall at June Lake in the Eastern Sierras.”
– Brian Doherty, Retired, LADOT
John’s comment: Spectacular shot, Brian! Nature shows its greens, yellows and purples in preparation for the cold and snow. Best time of the year. Thanks!
“Here is my son, Andrew, picking apples. We visited New Hampshire in the fall back in 2010, and I took him to an apple orchard to pick apples. After all, fall is pie season!”
– Stephanie Burkhart, LAPD/Commun.
John’s comment: We did this every fall growing up, Stephanie, and made apple pie, apple cider or apple sauce, or just munched them straight in. This wins for the strong memories! Thanks for freshening my past.
“Autumn seemed to come late to my neighborhood last year! This picture was taken in early December last year in my neighborhood. Better late than never!”
– Carlos Aranda, LADWP
John’s comment: One question for you, Carlos – were you dragging your feet and kicking the leaves up in the air as you walked? Whether yes or no, you made me want to! Beautiful colors, effective framing of the path into the distance, and an awesome, inviting image for our pondering … thanks for submitting!
Picture Perfect Contest Rules
- Please submit the full, original digital file (up to 3 megs file size).
- The contest is open to all Club members in good standing. Non-members are welcome to submit, but only Club members are eligible to win the monthly prize.
- Photos can be of any subject matter: vacation, portraits, families, landscapes, still lifes, pets, etc. Subject matter must be appropriate for Alive!
- If your photograph does not win, you are welcome to re-submit.
- Winners are chosen by Club staff. All decisions will be final.
- You must certify (if asked) that you indeed took the picture. No ringers!
- The contest is all in good fun: The Club cannot be responsible for delays in delivering Alive!, or for delays in the transmission of responses.