by John Hawkins, Association CEO
How to enter:
Do you love to take pictures? Submit your photos to the Picture Perfect contest. Once a month, the best pics are selected for publication. If your photo is published, you’ll receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card!. ENTER PICTURE PERFECT CONTEST
See Contest Rules below the pictures.
Theme: PIES
“Since pie is my favorite dessert of all time, any celebration involves a pie! This is a picture of me with my birthday pie and my two boys before I make my wish and eat!”
– John Otoshi, Retired, LADWP
John’s comment: Birthday pie – that’s the kind of creative thinking we like here at Picture Perfect! Happy birthday, and thanks for submitting!
“Mmm… pie. I made this pumpkin-spice-pudding, Cool-Whip-on-Graham-cracker-crust pie. It’s an old family recipe I found on the side of a pudding box!”
– Carlos Aranda, LADWP
John’s comment: Whoa, that’s a lot of flavors, Carlos! Thanks for submitting!
Picture Perfect Contest Rules
- Please submit the full, original digital file (up to 3 megs file size).
- The contest is open to all Club members in good standing. Non-members are welcome to submit, but only Club members are eligible to win the monthly prize.
- Photos can be of any subject matter: vacation, portraits, families, landscapes, still lifes, pets, etc. Subject matter must be appropriate for Alive!
- If your photograph does not win, you are welcome to re-submit.
- Winners are chosen by Club staff. All decisions will be final.
- You must certify (if asked) that you indeed took the picture. No ringers!
- The contest is all in good fun: The Club cannot be responsible for delays in delivering Alive!, or for delays in the transmission of responses.