John’s Picture Perfect Contest: March 2019

by John Hawkins, Club CEO

How to enter:

Do you love to take pictures? Submit your photos to the Picture Perfect contest. Once a month, the best pics are selected for publication. If your photo is published, you’ll receive a $25 Amazon e-Gift Card!  ENTER PICTURE PERFECT CONTEST

See Contest Rules below the pictures.


“I took this photo at a café facing the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City. It was a nice and relaxing moment shared with a pigeon enjoying the same view.”

William Zhang, DWP

John’s comment: When I first saw your awesome photo, I thought … wow, how did he got that? Maybe he should have just asked the bird to take it! But I see you were safe in a café. Anyway, I love the angle, the clarity and the colors … and your new friend on the wire. Nice job!


“Here’s the lighthouse in Long Beach at sunrise.”

– Victor Ladd, Retired, LAPD

John’s comment: Victor, I’m not sure how you got the beam of light to aim right at the light house – it’s like a one-in-a-million shot – but I’m going to admire it anyway. It’s majestic and incredible!


“Heaven on earth. Carpinteria State Beach at sunset.”

– Firefighter/Paramedic John Hicks, LAFD

John’s comment: John, I didn’t know there were that many colors in a sunset (and I’ve seen a lot of them, in some amazing places). But let’s not forget the framing – the mirroring from the sea that you framed doubles the pleasure. Great shot!


“This is Yosemite Valley as seen from Valley View point on a recent late afternoon. The water in the foreground is from the Merced River, and the waterfall in the background is Bridalveil Falls. It was a very majestic scene and experience.” 

– Erik Depaz, Airports

John’s comment: Erik, approximately ten billion photos have been taken of Bridalveil and the Yosemite Valley, but I cannot image any of them being much better than this one. You’ve got foreground, medium and background; an airy sky contrasting with the hard rock; the vulnerable tear of the Falls; the mirroring to add some darkness and foundation; and the serenity of the water and the fading light. Magnificent.


“This was taken in Antigua, Guatemala. This is a Mayan woman. Many of them walk around Antiqua trying to sell their amazing woven cloths to the tourists. There are 21 Mayan languages spoken there. They wear their traditional skirts and tops, and each town has its own colors and designs.

“It’s a beautiful county with wonderful people. I want to go back.”

– Ondrea Tye, Planning

John’s comment: And I want to go, period, Ondrea. This photo and your description tell me a lot about Guatemala, its traditional culture and its people. The balance on her head and in the framing of the photo complement each other perfectly, and the magnificence of the door works well with her clothing, all set against the blank wall. Thanks for sending!


  • Please submit the full, original digital file (up to 3 megs file size).
  • The contest is open to all Club members in good standing. Non-members are welcome to submit, but only Club members are eligible to win the monthly prize.
  • Photos can be of any subject matter: vacation, portraits, families, landscapes, still lifes, pets, etc. Subject matter must be appropriate for Alive!
  • If your photograph does not win, you are welcome to re-submit.
  • Winners are chosen by Club staff. All decisions will be final.
  • You must certify (if asked) that you indeed took the picture. No ringers!
  • The contest is all in good fun: The Club cannot be responsible for delays in delivering Alive!, or for delays in the transmission of responses.