General Services held its Most Valued Performance (MVP) Award ceremony March 12 to honor its best employees from 2017 and 2018. The event was held in the Public Works Commission hearing room in City Hall.
The Most Valued Performance Awards are some of the highest awards the department gives.
The MVP Awards are given to General Services employees whom the General Manager finds has performed well above the call of duty. Nominations can be sent by anyone, any time.
The criterion for this award is that the employee has completed or continues to perform an extraordinary work-related accomplishment. Recipients receive a framed plaque and a trophy or cup. The General Manager presents the award to the recipients at a gathering of managers, family and coworkers, and the employee’s name is added to a wood scroll in the lobby of City Hall South.
The room in City Hall was filled with proud and excited employees. It was an honor to see all the amazing employees who really are the heart of the City! Keep up the good work.
General Manager Tony Royster, Club Member, hosted the event. Opening remarks were given by Matt Szabo, Deputy Chief of Staff, and Miguel Sangalang, Deputy Mayor, both of the Mayor’s Office. Presentations were given by General Services Assistant General Managers David Paschal, Deborah Ramos, Valerie Melloff and Angela Sherick-Bright.
Thanks go to Aram Salmasi for inviting the Club to the event, and for providing information.
The honorees were:
General Manager Special Recognition Awards:
Dan Yoshimura, Personnel Director III
Narvia Wells, Personnel Director I
MVP Honorees, 2016-17:
Tom Bylard, Construction Forces
Ron Gallegos, Publishing Services
David Bloomberg, Finance Division
Richard Simas, Fleet Services
MVP Honorees, 2017-18:
Marie Saraos Medinilla, Publishing Services
Wesley Chavez, Real Estate Services
Team Honorees, 2016-17:
Homeless Project
FMS Procurement Project
Mail Driver Team
State Water Board
Fuel Site Corrections
Team Honorees, 2017-18:
Project Management Group
Vendor Fair
AMS Implementation Team
Generator Crew
San Fernando Yard CNG