Many City departments host holiday toy and clothing drives. The Club encourages you to be generous by participating. (As many agencies were finalizing their plans at Alive! press time, please check their social media channels for the most current information.)

LAPD Devonshire
The Devonshire Division plans its toy drive, which in the past has collected nearly 1,000 toys, for Sat., Dec. 14 at 9 a.m. LAPD Devonshire PALS Youth Center, 8721 Wilbur Ave., Northridge.
LAFD Spark of Love
The LAFD – and many other local fire departments – are collecting for their annual Spark of Love Toy Drive. Drop off unwrapped toys or sports equipment to any LAFD Fire Station, and they’ll take it from there.
This annual event is in its 32nd year and includes the major collection event Dec. 6 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, from 4 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
LAPD Northeast
LAPD’s Northeast Station has given away up to 1,000 toys per year to area children living in poverty or other challenging situations. Bring a new, unwrapped toy for 3-to-12-year-old children to the station, 3353 N San Fernando Rd., by Sat., Dec. 7.
LAPD North Hollywood
The North Hollywood Station plans to host its “Winter Wonderland” toy giveaway at Whitsett Park, 6907 Whitsett Ave. Unwrapped toy donations are requested at the Station, 11640 Burbank Blvd., by Sat., Dec. 7.
LAPD Van Nuys
The Station plans its 11th annual toy drive and car show for Sat., Dec. 13, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Address: 6240 Sylmar Ave., Van Nuys.
West Valley Sanitation
Public Works’ West Valley Sanitation Yard is once again hosting its annual Holiday Toy Drive. Drop off your unwrapped toys at the yard, 8840 Vanalden Ave., Northridge, by Wednesday, Dec. 11, as West Valley donates the toys to the Guadalupe Center the next day.
Rec and Parks Rangers Toys for Tots
Park Rangers are working with the US Marine Corps Toys for Tots to collect unwrapped gifts. Drop offs available at the Griffith Park Ranger Station and Hansen Dam Ranger Stations every day 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.; and the Audubon Center at Ernest Debs Park, Thurs.-Sun., 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Rec and Parks Muscle Beach Toy Drive
Rec and Parks sponsors the 17th annual Muscle Beach toy drive from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Venice Beach Recreation Center, 1800 Ocean Front Walk in Venice. A special presentation by Santa and his Elvettes is promised.
Immediately following the drive, LAPD cruisers & SUVs pick up all the donated toys and transport to their station. Donated toys help the kids in Culver City, Venice, Santa Monica, Oakwood, Westchester, & Marina Del Rey communities.

Sanitation Blanket and Sock Drive
Public Works/Sanitation and Environment is hosting its annual blankets and socks drive. Residents, businesses and City employees are encouraged to donate new and gently used – washed and clean – blankets, sleeping bags, quilts and socks at one of six designated collection sites. Through Jan. 3. Drop off at any of Sanitation’s drop-off sites in the West Valley, North Central, West LA, Harbor and the Public Works building downtown.
Council District 6 Toy Drive
Council District 6 is now accepting toy donations at both the Sun Valley office (9300 Lauren Canyon Blvd.) and Van Nuys (14410 Slyvan St.), 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Council District 3 Toy Drive
Bob Blumenfield holds an annual holiday event and toy drive, estimated this year to be held Thursday, Dec. 5. Details were unavailable at press time. Information: (818) 774-4330.
Dept. on Aging/Project CARE
Project CARE (Caring Actions Responding to Elders) is an annual holiday campaign that provides support to low-income older adults. The campaign is a collaboration between the Dept. on Aging, LA County Aging and Disabilities Dept., and the LA Foundation on Aging.
The campaign’s goal is to spread joy and provide personalized support to older adults in need. Participants can request items including gift cards, clothing, shoes, blankets, walkers, small kitchen appliances, art supplies, and pet food. AD staff then hand-delivers the gift packages to ensure they arrive on time. Information: (213) 202-5639 or (213) 808-2366;