The Emergency Operations Center is the HQ for battling the City’s critical emergencies like...

Beginning with a bond issue in 2002, the City changed the way it manages its emergencies. And 19 years later, that strategic move is paying dividends...

Honored safety expert Jackie Koci Tamayo, Club Ambassador, leaves for Alameda County after 22...

Jackie Koci Tamayo, Emergency Management Coordinator, Emergency Management, has left her longtime City employment to become an Emergency Services Coordinator for the County of Alameda...

Carol Parks, Club Member, promoted to lead EMD.

Carol Parks, formerly Assistant General Manager, Emergency Management Dept. and #ReadyLA, was promoted to General Manager last September...

Raquel Beltrán named General Manager of EmpowerLA.

Raquel Beltrán became the new General Manager of Neighborhood Empowerment Sept. 4 after her appointment was confirmed by the City Council. She was nominated to the position Aug. 16 by Mayor Eric Garcetti...

Carmen Chang appointed new GM of Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment.

Carmen Chang, formerly the Director of Programs and Organizing at Golden State Opportunity, has been confirmed as the new General Manager of the Neighborhood Empowerment Dept...

From the Navy to the City: Bill Lillenberg Served Well

Bill Lillenberg, 91, Retired, Planning, and US Navy veteran, served at Midway Island just after the war, then joined the NSA at the beginning of the intelligence agency...

Ann Sewell Is New GM

Ann Sewill is the new General Manager of Housing and Community Investment. She was hired in July...

Three inspection managers take us inside LA’s housing crunch.

Los Angeles Housing Dept. faces the challenge every working day of taking care of citizens in need, all according to housing code. On the front lines is the department’s inspection services...

Mary Clare Molidor retires from City Attorney after 42 years of City service.

Mary Clare Molidor, Chief Assistant City Attorney; Chief of the Criminal and Special Litigation Branch; and part of the City Attorney’s Executive Team, retired March 11 after 42 years of City service...

Janna Sidley, Harbor’s General Counsel, retired Feb. 11

Janna Sidley, Harbor’s General Counsel out of the Office of the City Attorney, retired Feb. 11 after 19 years of distinguished City service...