Sgt. Herman Van Twist retires after 26 years of City service.

Last Oct. 27, a retirement party was held for Sgt. Herman “Twister” Van Twist, who retired from the LAPD after 26 years of City service...

Det. Supv. Alex Pozo retires after 30 years of City service.

A retirement party was held Feb. 2 for LAPD Det. Supervisor Alex Pozo, who retired after nearly 30 years of City service...

LAPD Division honors its Officers of the Year for 2022

Last Nov. 8. LAPD’s North Hollywood Division honored its best for 2022 – Officer of the Year, Civilian of the Year, Specialized Unit Officer of the Year and Detective of the Year...

Sgt. Brad Hearn retires after 28 years of service.

Sgt. II Brad Hearn held his final roll call Jan. 26 before he retired from the LAPD with 28 years of City service...

In Memoriam: Richard Kaufman, brother of Kurt Kaufman, LADWP, passes away

Kurt Kaufman, LAPD, announces the death of his brother, Richard Kaufman, Feb. 9. Richard, the deceased, was “a proud IBEW Union brother,” according to Kurt, a Club Member...

LAPD Records Party

The Police Dept.’s Records and Identification bureau held its holiday luncheon Dec. 8 at XLanes bowling alley near Little Tokyo...

Linda Shepperd retires after 36 years of City service.

Linda Shepperd, Sr. PSR, LAPD, retired last November after 36 years of City service...

Two head to National Police Week memorial.

Officers Carballo and Kassis from North Hollywood pedaled their way to Washington, DC in May as part of the Police Unity Tour...

Salvadore Tillit, promoted March 7 into a leadership position, leading the PSRs of Comm....

Congratulations to Sr. PSR I Salvadore Tillit, who was promoted March 7 into a leadership position, leading the PSRs of Communications Division...

Two honored in Southwest Division.

In a pandemic catch-up, two leaders at Southwest Division received their certificates for previous honors...