Depts. prove critical in successful recent events.

Let’s hear it for the dedicated City teams that made two recent LA events – the Academy Awards and the LA Marathon – hugely successful. We honor them for their service and dedication!...

Tomas Carranza appointed Assistant General Manager.

Tomas Carranza has been appointed the permanent Assistant General Manager and Chief Technology Officer of the Office of Planning and Innovation, LADOT...

Pasadena Transit boss Laura Rubio-Cornejo is new LADOT GM.

On Sept. 19, Laura Rubio-Cornejo was confirmed by the LA City Council as the new General Manager of LA’s Dept. of Transportation...

Transportation appoints new chiefs.

The Dept. of Transportation recently appointed two new chiefs – Brian Hale as Chief of Parking Enforcement and Traffic Control; and Brian Lee as Chief of Transit (emergency appointment)...

City Crews Step Up to Make for a Successful LA Marathon.

City crews were busy during and after the recent 38th running of the LA Marathon to make for a smooth, safe and successful event...

Transportation hosts winter softball tournament.

Crown the Central Division as softball champs! LADOT employees held a one-day softball tournament Jan. 21 at the Eagle Rock Recreation Center...

One small act of kindness grew into a charity.

With his wife, Loretta, Zaki Mustafa, Retired Executive Officer, LADOT, 33 years of City service and Club Member, formed a nonprofit. He raised money any way he could, and organized shipments of jackets for those in need...

GM Seleta Reynolds leaves City, moves to Metro.

In August, Transportation GM Seleta Reynolds left her role leading the City’s transportation dept. after 8 years to take on digital service and innovation at Metro...

Transportation promotes five to the rank of Lieutenant

Last September during the pandemic, LADOT promoted five to the rank of Lieutenant...

Transportation Dispatchers direct the Traffic Officers on the street.

Transportation’s Communications unit is a small but strong team of Dispatchers and administrative personnel that does many things – answer telephone calls for Parking Enforcement, traffic control, Traffic Signal Repair and impound booting for LA.