Retiree on the Move: Meet Dorothy Tamashiro

Dorothy Tamashiro retired in 2002 after 38 years of City service as a Fiscal Systems Specialist. She began her City career with Recreation and Parks, worked for the LAPD and Retired from the Controller’s Office...

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LACERS Receives Full Payment of City Contribution

The City of Los Angeles just made a payment of the full employer’s contribution to the LACERS plan on time, and let me say it again, in full...

Read This Letter Supporting Full Reimbursement

RLACEI Members: Please review the following correspondence from the President of the RLACEI Board and its Directors to the LACERS Benefits Administration Committee...

Are LACERS Investments Bad for Its Members? Pt. 1

Would you want to see a doctor who works for a firm that only cares about profits? How about being placed in a nursing home that is less concerned about your care than its costs? How would you like to be...

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Hot Fun in the Summer Time

The RLACEI Retirees Association held its annual summer picnic Aug. 11 at Grace E. Simons Lodge on Elysian Park Drive...

Brenda G. Smith is a Retiree on the Move

Meet Brenda Smith, who says she is a “happy Retiree.” Brenda worked for the City of Los Angeles for 39 years in three departments: Building and Safety, Public Works and the LAPD, where she retired as a Sr. Management Analyst...

Eugene Mandelcorn is Retirees on the Move

Eugene Mandelcorn retired from the Los Angeles Public Library in 2003 after 30 years of civil service to devote his time to expanding upon the programs he passionately developed while working for the City...

Carrie’s Corner: Wisdom from RLACEI’s 100-year-old member.

Carrie A. Gabriel began working for the City in 1946 and retired in 1978. She was featured in Alive! earlier this year when she celebrated her 100th birthday Jan. 28. With all the wisdom, experiences and changes...