John’s Picture Perfect Contest: June 2020
Do you love to take pictures? Submit your photos to the Picture Perfect contest. Once a month, the best pics are selected for publication. If your photo is published, you'll receive a $25 Amazon e-Gift Card!
Kid’s Coloring Contest Winners: June 2020
Congratulations to the WINNERS of our Kid's Club Coloring Contest! Our top four participants win 4 Free Tickets to Raging Waters!
Alive! goes wherever you go! Club Members bring their recent copy of Alive! with them when they travel and and we publish their picture...
Life’s Important Moments: Graduations – June 2020
Did you or a loved one get married? Have a baby? Get a promotion? Did someone graduate? Or accomplish something special? Is a family member in the military? Send in a photo and a paragraph, telling us the details. We love to share your good news.
Lifes Moments: Retirements Listing June 2020
Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.
Life’s Important Moments: In Memoriam June 2020
Did you or a loved one get married? Have a baby? Get a promotion? Did someone graduate? Or accomplish something special? Is a family member in the military? Send in a photo and a paragraph, telling us the details. We love to share your good news.
Working Into Month Two
Hello Club Members working all across our City to keep us safe during this unprecedented global pandemic. As I write this while working remotely...
Life’s Important Moments: Graduations – May 2020
Did you or a loved one get married? Have a baby? Get a promotion? Did someone graduate? Or accomplish something special? Is a family member in the military? Send in a photo and a paragraph, telling us the details. We love to share your good news.
Club Sports: May 2020
The 2019 has come to an end in the only way that it should – with a thrilling extra-inning come-from-behind win by the Guzzlers to defeat the Blue Dragons, 14-13...