Michael Sails On

A reception was held March 28, his last day on the job, to honor the career of Capt. Michael Barnes, Club Member, who retired after 22 years of City service.
Michael was the final captain of the Angelena II, the City’s showcase vessel.
The retirement event, which included food, music, good friends and coworkers, took place on Berth 161.
Here’s an excerpt from Michael’s farewell letter to his colleagues and friends:
It will not be news to you that I am retiring at the end of this month. My last day on the job will be March 28th. As the last Captain of the Angelena II, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your friendship and support over the years.
It has been a pleasure to work with you all. From the very talented team in marketing, the creative staff at Public affairs, and the hardworking and very supportive personnel in Construction and Maintenance. (I’m going to miss that espresso machine.) I had the best job in the City, without a doubt. Out on the water every day in the sunshine, showing the Port to thousands of guests from all over the world. All good things come to an end, and it is now time in to move on.
Thank you all for making the last 22 years of my career the best!
From all of us at the Club, congratulations on a great career, Michael, and we look forward to your continued travelogues in Alive!