The Heat Is On, for Equity

As the Alive! team stood on a West Florence Avenue sidewalk photographing LA’s Chief Heat Officer, Marta Segura, the point became difficult to ignore: We began in the cool of the morning...

City responds to climate crisis, giving special attention to underserved areas.

The City’s response to the growing climate crisis – and the way the crisis unfairly affects underserved areas – is heating up, so to speak. LA’s new Climate Emergency Mobility Office (CEMO) is on its feet and hard at work addressing these growing needs. Alive! first reported on the CEMO office in May 2021 after its creation in January that year.

Happy Father’s Day messages from Club Members 2022

Alive! presents one of our most popular annual features – Father's Day messages from Club Members. Enjoy… and happy Father's Day!

Life’s Important Moments: Weddings

Did you or a loved one get married? Have a baby? Get a promotion? Did someone graduate? Or accomplish something special? Is a family member in the military? Send in a photo and a paragraph, telling us the details. We love to share your good news.

LACERS Starts Process For 2023 Health Plan

The LACERS Benefits Administration Committee is directing LACERS staff and its health consultant, Keenan & Associates, to begin the process to approve the 2023 medical, dental and vision contracts...

Anti-Social Distancing

If there is any silver lining in the dark cloud of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has to be the implementation of social distancing: What a blessing it has been to those curmudgeonly types who border on being anti-social...

Meet Your Board: Nancy Hammoudian

Meet RLACEI’S newest Board Member, Nancy Hammoudian. Nancy was installed at the RLACEI general membership meeting, held April 14 at Grace E. Simons Lodge...

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City’s Budget Process: A Follow-Up

Last month, I wrote about two things Retirees should watch for in the City’s budget process: the projections of City retirement contributions; and the projected City budget deficits for fiscal year 2022-23 and beyond...

A Tribute: John Shadle

Members of RLACEI and the RLACEI Board send condolences to the family and friends of longtime member John Shadle, who passed away March 14 at the age of 99. He would have turned 100 this December...