Help Others for the Holidays

The Club encourages City Employees and everyone to contribute to Club Angels in support of a variety of Club-related causes...

City Holiday Events

Every year, the City produces and sponsors a variety of events to celebrate the holidays...

Librarians are ready to help you enjoy the holidays with book, movie recommendations

Enjoy this selection of books and movies reflecting some of the Library’s suggestions for the winter holidays...

Donate to a Toy Drive or Clothing Drive!

Many City departments host holiday toy and clothing drives. The Club encourages you to be generous by participating...

Kid’s Coloring Contest Winners: Dec. 2022

Congratulations to the WINNERS of our Kid's Club Coloring Contest! Our top four participants win 4 Free Tickets to Raging Waters!

Alive! Around the World: Gibraltar and Mexico City

Alive! goes wherever you go! Club Members bring their recent copy of Alive! with them when they travel and and we publish their picture...

Larios in the City: December 2022

Robert Larios, the Club’s President & CEO, honors Club members with the coveted Club Retirement Plaque...

In Memoriam: December 2022

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away...

Cooking Classic: Cornish Hen with Almond Sautéed Green Beans

Cornish Hen with Almond Sautéed Green Beans: This recipe works well for the holiday season, and it can even be a summer dish as well...

Retirements Listing: December 2022

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month...