LACERS Reports on Its Funding Levels

LACERS gets a yearly report from our actuary to measure our progress in funding our retirement plan and health benefits...

David Cook honored as he enters his 50th year of City service.

The Board of Public Works honored David Cook, Wastewater Collection Worker II, who entered his 50th year of City service...

Carrie’s Corner: Catching up with RLACEI’s 101-year-old member.

Carrie A. Gabriel began working for the City in 1946 and retired in 1978. She celebrated her 100th birthday in 2022...

Resources for Club Retirees or Those About to Retire

Have you been thinking about signing up for the Club’s Long Term Care Plan? If you have, now is the time to apply!..

Noelle’s Picture Perfect Contest: Best of 2023

Alive! presents some of our favorite winners from ‘Noelle's Picture Perfect’ contest from last year...

Lifes Moments: In Memoriam January 2024

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away...

Friendship and Service

As I write in this month’s main news story, I very much am humbled and honored to serve Club Members as the CEO of both the Los Angeles City Employees Association and the subsidiary Employees Club of California...

People We See: Meet Asti Sisco

In this feature, the Club introduces you to people you see every day, but you might not know who they are. The Club reminds you that we all have names and stories to tell...

Alive! Around the World: Australia

Alive! goes wherever you go! Club Members bring their recent copy of Alive! with them when they travel and and we publish their picture...

Lifes Moments: Retirements Listing January 2024

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month...