Parking Innovation Honored

Transportation’s Parking Management Team won a national award for innovation for two different programs that assist low-income motorists during COVID...

Alive! Around the World and House

Alive! goes wherever you go! Club Members bring their copy of Alive! with them when they travel, even it's just to their backyard (!) and we publish their picture...

Raymond T. Serna Jr. is a Retiree on the Move

Ray Serna served the City of Los Angeles for almost 35 years and retired in August 2009. His career with the City of L.A. began at 17 when he became a Warehouse Worker with General Services...

The Club’s historic “Care Calls” project has concluded.

The Club “Care Calls” project continues its efforts to call all 50,000 active Members to say hello and check on how you’re doing during...

Benefits Estimators: A How-To Guide

It’s never too early to start piecing together a picture of what your retirement finances will look like. LACERS has you covered by offering two ways, besides the ole’ pen and paper method, to estimate your monthly retirement benefit...

Lifes Moments: Retirements Listing November 2020

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

Life’s Important Moments: In Memoriam Nov. 2020

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away...

Direct Deposit Makes Sense!

In recent years, monthly retirement allowance paychecks have been delayed due to a disruption in U.S. Postal Service delivery caused by natural disasters or national events...

LA Public Library’s Top Ten: November

Here’s what LA was reading, watching and listening to...

Officer Robertson retires.

LAPD Officer Michael Robertson retired after 34 years of City service, 16 at City Hall...