Park Ranger resident horse retires after 6 years of service.

Rec and Parks announced that Park Ranger resident horse Scout retired after 6 years of City service. Scout is a 19 year old Palomino Quarter Horse and has been with the Park Ranger Division since 2014...

Pandemic-Related Fiscal Woes Grow

Last month, I wrote about the City’s budget issues. Since that time, the City’s budget woes have grown to a projected budget gap of $675 million for the current fiscal year...

A Note on COVID-19

We’re almost there! Vaccinations from two pharmaceutical companies have been approved by the FDA...

Plan for the Future With the Family Death Benefit Program

Peace of mind is key when planning for the future. Make sure your loved ones are taken care of should anything happen to you by signing up for the Family Death Benefit Plan (FDBP). For just $1.20 per pay period...

Lifes Moments: Retirements Listing January 2021

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

How to Handle Medicare Part B Premium for 2021

As a reminder, all retired Members and their dependents who are eligible for Medicare and enrolled in a LACERS plan are required to enroll in Medicare Part B...

Life’s Important Moments: In Memoriam Jan. 2021

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away...

Thank You, Cliff

Cliff Cannon has retired from the RLACEI Board as of November 2020. Cliff served in many capacities throughout his years on the Board, including Membership chair and chair of the Audit committee...

Beryne Beckham Dixon is a Retiree on the Move

Bernye Beckham Dixon retired in 2009 under ERIP (Early Retirement Incentive Program) from LAPD/Training Division. Bernye worked for the City for almost 31 years...

The Emergency Operations Center is the HQ for battling the City’s critical emergencies like COVID.

Beginning with a bond issue in 2002, the City changed the way it manages its emergencies. And 19 years later, that strategic move is paying dividends...