Thanks for Your Service

On June 12, Airports’ Environmental Programs Division hosted its first-ever service pin and presentation ceremony. Twenty-five employees received service pins for milestones of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of City service.

Pins were awarded to the employees by David Reich, Deputy Executive Director; Robert Freeman, Airport Environmental Manager II, Club Member; and Jacob Haik, Airport Environmental Manager II.
Two employees were presented with the department’s Gold Star Employee Awards for meritorious service.
Presentations – keeping fellow employees up to date on environmental progress at LAX and Van Nuys Airports – were given by Melissa Molina, Rideshare Program Administrator (Bike Month and AQMD survey); David Reich, Deputy Executive Director, and Jacob Haik, Airport Environmental Manager II (honoring employees); and Ryan Page, Airport Superintendent of Operations, Van Nuys Airport, (EAGLE and unleaded avgas).
Club Mobile Team: The Club’s Mobile Team also attended (outside of course), and was a popular attraction all morning.
Gold Star Employee Awards
Elander Hill, Sr. Management Analyst I
Angelica Thomas, Environmental Specialist II

Service Awards
30 Years
Robert Freeman, Airport Environmental Manager II, Club Member
25 Years
Jose DeLeon, Management Analyst
Veronica Rivera, Management Analyst
Mary Wall, Sr. Administrative Clerk
Dan Yeung, Airport Environmental Manager I
20 Years
Carter Atkins, Environmental Affairs Officer
Lisa Doran Dugas, Environmental Affairs Officer
James Dunagan, Environmental Specialist II
Genevieve Lahey, Environmental Supervisor II
Melissa Molina, Rideshare Program Administrator
Josephine Serrano, Sr. Administrative Clerk
Loanne Truong, Sr. Management Analyst II
15 Years
David Chan, Environmental Supervisor II
Tammie Crayon, Management Analyst
Elander Hill, Sr. Management Analyst II
Nebu John, Environmental Supervisor II
James Turner, Sr. Management Analyst II
10 Years
Jacob Haik, Airport Environmental Manager II
Lauren Paladino, Environmental Specialist II
Awarded service pins but not present at the ceremony were Amylou Canonizado, 20 years;
Charlynn Rachell, 20 years; George Raphael, 20 years; and Joanne Choi, 15 years.